4 Things The Great Masters All Aimed To Teach Us


  The wise have mastered body, word and mind. They are the true masters.” – Buddha When we look for those who have inspired and influenced people over the millennia, we keep returning to the great leaders who have provided clarity and wisdom on what it means to be human. These great teachers, prophets and […]


Solfeggio Master Frequency 1122 Hz. HD Meditation

Recommended, Videos

http://sourcevibrations.com 1122Hz is a synthesis or “meta” frequency derived from calculating the output function of the first 12 direct solfeggio tones. As an output function, the essence of each of its tributaries are brought together in the summation of its collective center point, sonically suggesting the integration and synthesis of complete solfeggio spectrum. Great care […]


Human Nature ~ Dr. Gabor Maté

Alternative News

  Dr. Gabor Maté talks about the topic of his next book “Toxic Culture”. He explains why it is that our culture makes so many of us unhappy, unkind to one another, misrable, alienated from ourselves, etc. A renowned speaker, and bestselling author, Dr. Gabor Maté is highly sought after for his expertise on a […]


Binary Code Can Now Copy Itself Like DNA

New Science

Strings of binary aren’t all that different from strands of organic DNA; they both carry actionable information encoded into reconfigurable symbols. And, like DNA, with enough replication and slight variations, software could become resistant to viral attacks through digital biodiversity. Taking inspiration from nature, scientists at the University of Denmark’s Center for Fundamental Living Technology […]


I am SHEKINAH ~~ As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


  I come on the winds of time to allow you entrance into knowledge that goes beyond self and memory. Within what is known and unknown as the Holy Spirit, there are many dimensional descriptions. There are many doorways, and inter-dimensional truths. There is a great-pronounced diversification that lives within the house and dwelling of […]


Will Wormhole Travel Ever Be Possible?

New Science

  ByLoren Grush   As a curious species, humans have long dreamed of traveling to the farthest depths of space. That’s the major theme of the upcoming science fiction epic Interstellar, which will take Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway to the places we hope to one day reach ourselves. Except for that tiny hiccup called deep space travel. The […]


Rapid Geomagnetic Reversal Possibility: Confirmed

Earth Changes

  FIRST 2 VIDEOS ARE ABOUT EARTH MAGNETISM: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=… CITATIONS: Weakening Magnetosphere 2003 BBC Magnetism Article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/na… 2004 NatGeo Magnetism Article: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/ne… 2006 NatGeo Magnetism Article: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/ne… 2008 NASA Magnetic Breach: http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/… 2011 ESA Magnetism Article: http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Obs…) Magnetic Field Animation: http://wdc.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/igrf/an… Pole Shift 2003 NASA Pole Shift Article: http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y20… 2008 Kyoto Pole Shift Animation: http://geomag.org/info/Declination/ma… […]


R.I.P. ~~ Dolores Cannon ~~ has left Earth

Alternative News

“We Are Living In The Most Important Time In The History Of The Universe” ~ Dolores Cannon Discusses Our Current Paradigm Dolores Cannon’s revelations New Earth, Frequency, ET Souls, Waves, How to Shift Dolores Cannon – The Three Waves of Volunteers & The New Earth Convoluted Universe ~ Dolores Cannon


The Shifting Frequency of the Dimensional Hologram


art by Tatiana Plakhova Life in the dimensional realms of the universe is the experience of the Divine as consciousness through energy and matter.  The Divine intelligence is organizing at varying frequencies and sequences along an infinite continuum.  All energy and matter is emanating at specific frequencies of density that are manifestations of consciousness.  We […]


Proof That Consciousness Creates Reality: Welcome To The Matrix

New Science

  By Steven Bancarz Does consciousness create the material world?  Before we answer this question, it’s important to first go into what the material world is actually composed of at a fundamental level.  “Reality” is not simply made of tiny physical pieces, like a bunch of marbles or tiny little bowling balls.  Molecules are made […]



Economy, Zeitgeist

By JC Collins   In essence, China has been slowly buying up the Federal Reserve for some time now.  If you can call it a purchase.  Its more of a negotiation over assuming the liabilities of both the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury. The Federal Reserve is the largest holder of U.S. debt at $2.1 […]
