Ancient Science

  In honor of the “2016” New Year, let us contemplate how this “Gregorian” calendar system may affect us personally and planetarily ~ Believe it or not – calendars affect our minds, and therefore our lives… Calendars are the central instruments of cultural programs. The Gregorian calendar became the world standard in 1582. Before this […]



Ancient Science

  The Gift of the Cube is its ability to fill space entirely without gaps. That is why crystals atomic structure are cubic as they store memory efficiently. As the Cube Of Space tessellates itself in 3-dimensions, an oddity occurs, as the onion-like layers increase, the cubes appear to embed themselves one within the other, bordering on […]


Plants Communicate Using An Internet of Fungi

Ancient Science

The biological superhighway linking the plant kingdom Hidden beneath the surface and entangled in the roots of Earth’s astonishing and diverse plant life, there exists a biological superhighway linking together the members of the plant kingdom in what researchers call the “wood wide web”. This organic network operates much like our internet, allowing plants to communicate, […]


Eclipsing the Truth

Ancient Science

  A Special 11:11 Update By Isaac George Nov.11th, 2012 “The best explanation for the Moon is observational error – the Moon doesn’t exist!” – Irwin Shapiro of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. As an astrologer and student of astrology I’ve always generally accepted the cosmology I inherited from friends and professionals who have been practicing their […]


The Egyptian Royal Cubit [Updated]

Ancient Science

Jain 108 Mathemagics The Great Pyramid and the Speed of Light The Great Pyramid encodes enormous amount of numerical coincidences ( pi, Phi, dimensions and movement of our planet, axial tilt, precession,  speed of light, and more…) We can only wonder if the ancient architects were fully aware of these special numbers encoded in their […]


Dr. Paul LaViolette’s Galactic SuperWave Theory

Ancient Science

  July 29, 2015 by DEUS NEXUS   While Dr. Paul LaViolette’s research started out as doom & gloom predictions of doomsday cataclysm, various world religions, mystery schools, spiritual channels, extraterrestrial contact, and the traditions of indigenous peoples all point to an end time of ascension, global transformation, and humanity’s rebirth into a higher plane of existence. Even fringe science […]


Music as Medicine

Ancient Science

    art by Luis Tamani By Joshua Eagle Guest Writer for Wake Up World Just as letters, words and phrases carry vibrational information which transmutes out into our greater universe, so too does music. There may be no greater language with the power to break all universal vibrational communication boundaries than that of music. […]


2-Billion-Year-Old Nuclear Mega-Reactor Discovered in Africa

Ancient Science

  BY THE EVENT CHRONICLE ON MAY 29, 2015  Two billion years ago, parts of an African uranium deposit spontaneously underwent nuclear fission — but the evidence suggests intelligent design. (Ancient Code) In 1972, a worker at a nuclear fuel processing plant noticed something suspicious in a routine analysis of uranium obtained from a normal mineral […]
