The First Supper: Entheogens and the Origin of Religion

Ancient Science, Books, Entheogens, Recommended

  The following is excerpted from the new book Mushrooms, Myths & Mithras: The Drug Cult that Civilized Europe by Carl Ruck, Mark Alwin Hoffman, José Alfredo González Celdrán published by City Lights. Our greatest blessings come to us by way of madness, provided madness is given us by way of divine gift. –Socrates, Phaedrus Various traditions recall the events of a “First Supper.” […]


Entheogen’s & Existential Intelligence: The Use of “Plant Teachers” as Cognitive Tools

Ancient Science, Entheogens

  In light of recent specific liberalizations in drug laws in some countries, this article investigates the potential of entheogens (i.e. psychoactive plants used as spiritual sacraments) as tools to facilitate existential intelligence. “Plant teachers” from the Americas such as ayahuasca, psilocybin mushrooms, peyote, and the Indo-Aryan soma of Eurasia are examples of both past- […]


Interspecies Communication via Psychedelics?

Ancient Science, Books, Entheogens, Recommended

The following is an excerpt from Paul Devereux’s The Long Trip: A Prehistory of Psychedelia (available from Amazon US and Amazon UK), reprinted with permission. The Long Trip is… …probably the most comprehensive single volume to look at the use of mind-altering drugs, or entheogens, for ritual and shamanistic purposes throughout humanity’s long story, while […]
