Unconditional Self Love remains the foundation of realizing the most pleasurable companionships throughout your experience. ~ Le’Vell Zimmerman

Spiritual Perspectives

  Unconditional Self Love remains the foundation of realizing the most pleasurable companionships throughout your experience. Know that the cultivation of this level of self love is an aspect of your grounding work for Ascension, where your focus as a Leader expanding in spiritual maturity is within on the nature of your energetic presence. In […]



Spiritual Perspectives

Being grateful is not possible when you still feel that you “need” something. Gratitude is based on a frequency of abundant satisfaction in light of the blessing of life, where “need” is an expression of lack, limitation, and dissatisfaction. Here is where you sense the contradiction in such a way of being. Le’Vell Zimmerman


Le’Vell Zimmerman ~ … the illusion of linear time in feeling you are “waiting for something to happen”

Spiritual Perspectives

  Le’Vell Zimmerman The light that you experience throughout this holographic illusion remains that of your own creation as Source, where it is your internal cultivation of these frequencies that allows you to realize even more heavenly essences throughout your journey. In other words, you continue to always experience your own energetic frequency of being, […]


Le’Vell Zimmerman~Operating within the balanced presence of the heart space as Source is beyond the limitations of “perception”…

Spiritual Perspectives

art by Sam Farrand Le’Vell Zimmerman It is through your ability to allow, accept, and trust in this now moment that you embrace and cultivate your own divine strength, where the clarity of remaining calm allows you to realize the orchestrations of infinite intelligence that is beyond your conscious awareness. No matter how daunting a situation […]


Le’Vell Zimmerman ~ … beyond the Ego mind identity


art by Tatiana Plakhova Through detaching more from the separated natures of the Mind identity you are able to elevate beyond participating in the many outer dramas being promoted by the Dark involving racism, victimization, discrimination and other forms of chaos which are for the purpose of dividing humanity even more as a distraction amongst […]


Le’Vell Zimmerman~~It is your own personal decision to remain subjected to the prerequisites and limitations promoted for generations here on the Hell plains.

Spiritual Perspectives

  Affirming that “You need money for this…”, and “You need money for that”, or “I live in this kind of system where you can’t survive without money…” is a fear based program of dependency, limitation, greed at the root of one’s enslavement most of humanity operates with from the Cabal, where it is your […]


It is helpful to realize that all the many divine functions that are integrated within your mission and soul purpose here in this dimension remain beyond analysis …

Spiritual Perspectives

  Le’Vell Zimmerman It is helpful to realize that all the many divine functions that are integrated within your mission and soul purpose here in this dimension remain beyond analysis, where mental activity of this nature is counterproductive to what you have a burning desire to do here in being of service to life here […]
